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Review, Assessment, Design and Implementation of Ethics & Compliance Programs

The Ethics and Compliance Program consists of the following main components:​

  • Code of Conduct and other relevant policies;

  • Trainings program;

  • Risk assessment and management;

  • Controls Framework;

  • Monitoring and auditing;

  • Tools and processes related to addressing and investigating misconduct.


Our primary focus are anti-fraud, anti-corruption and general business ethics-related initiatives.

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We review the design of the existing compliance program, and its components. We advise on required improvements.

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We design compliance and ethics programs or any of its component and customise it based on the needs of a company. The design of the program is based on the risk assessment and risk management strategies agreed.



We test and evaluate the existing compliance program and its components to assess if the compliance program is effective and achieves the goals.



We ensure that our designed components of the compliance and ethics program are applied effectively by:

  • monitoring

  • testing

  • surveying

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